Products & Services

We are a quality manufacturer of top-end crankshafts for combustion engines with between 1 and 12 cylinders. The certified production takes place on three highly flexible production lines for series (up to 100,000 units p.a.) and one production line for smaller quantities and prototypes.

High-precision conrods are the perfect link between the piston and crankshaft. We produce series conrods (up to 1,000,000 units p.a.) on two highly-flexible production lines. A further production line is used to manufacture smaller quantities and prototypes.

Heat treatment
Our quality products undergo several heat treatment and hardening processes depending on the requirements. A total of five camber furnaces as well as one substitute hardening plant are available for the gas nitriding and plasma nitriding of series. We also have three induction hardening machines for crankshafts and cylindrical parts as well as two crack-detection systems. Quality control is effected by means of analyses in our own laboratory.